Saturday 24 January 2009


4-GOLGOTHAT(He Is Risen)
G.B.Bennett - Bass
Charlie Wilson - Lead Guitar and Vocals
Andy Jackson - Drums and Vocals
This is a NWOBHM band in the style of Judas Priest and Black Sabbath.One OF the greatest metal I've ever heard. The production is Not Too Bad At All But With A Meyor Label It Go Farther and the lyrics can be repetitive and banal. I mean, almost 2 minutes of the song Golgotha are Charlie Wilson singing, "He is risen." The other songs are too short for a Metal band. This is more like a demo tape than a mature effort. I waited a year looking for this on CD till deciding to get it on tape And Finally On Cd.Now I'm glad I finally have it.This is pedal to the metal.It doesn't compromise on subtlety its big and its bold! From the big brash opener "Heartbeat" to the the speed rock of "See the Light" to the finale of "Warrior of Light" the guitars produced by Armand John Petri, of Manowar production, suck you in and blow you out, check your head to see if you've any hair left! subtle no, melodic no, brash and in your face? Allthe way! ps guitars by Charlie "100%proof" Wilson remember them?This album is a must have for any hard rock fan it is heavy and I would recommend it to anyone.One OF My Supplier talked to me and let me know That They Released A Previous Demo But I'M Not Sure if they've Released The same TrackS are listed on the Full Lenght,( Yes it could be listening in Christianroxkzone Radio.So If you have this demo let me know please i would really pareaciate this Handful Hand,it Will be for Christianrockzone Radio..thanks God Bless Ya All!! .The album artwork is quite good in displaying a warrior in futuristic armor holding a glowing sword while being struck by lightning from the heavens.Opening the album to a hard hitting riff, a crunchy rhythm guitar drives “Heartbeat” forward strong and steady until it reaches a chorus with a good catchy hook. An instrumental passage limited to several seconds of restrained lead guitar fails to cut it."Trouble In The Streets" immediately gets underway to a driving riff that quickly propels it at an upbeat tempo to a strong forcefully delivered chorus. I wish the band had expanded upon an instrumental break carried by a few brief seconds of run-of-the-mill lead guitar work.The trite sounding hard rock of "Wondering" plods along through its first verse at a tiresome mid-tempo pace. Repeating the same pattern for its seconds and final verse, Wilson closes out the song with a minute of very well done lead guitar work."Golgotha (He Is Risen)" captures much of the brilliance found on 100% Proof's Power And The Glory.Beginning to a quietly played guitar line as the rhythm guitar fades in and out of the mix, the song slowly moves through its first and second verse to a punchy bass line as Wilson describes the events leading to Christ's crucifixion:After the rhythm guitar again fades in and out of the mix, Wilson details Christ's crucifixion during the songs third and final verse,Wilson follows with just under a minute of bluesy lead guitar work before he depicts the resurrection.Subsequent to a bass guitar solo, the rhythm guitar returns and stands in support of Wilson as he ends the song by continually repeating the phrase "HE IS RISEN!" Great song.Several seconds of open air rhythm guitar opens "See The Light" before a driving riff carries its first verse in a repetitious fashion, the lackluster atmosphere maintained as the song advances through its third and final verse. Wilson contributes several seconds of gritty lead guitar work following both its first and second verse.Introduced to a drum solo, an edgy rhythm guitar propels "Miracle" forward hard and heavy until it crests for a chorus I might describe as pedestrian at best. Wilson's uninspired lead guitar work fails to make the grade.The upbeat hard rocker "Don't Give Up" jumps out of the gate in a fast paced manner only to hit a wall upon arriving at a chorus that, for a lack of better words, is completely forgettable.The song slows for an instrumental passage featuring several seconds of bluesy but lifeless lead guitar work.Poorly written lyrics only compound the problem,The albums title track, similar to "Golgotha (He Is Risen)", brings to mind the excellence of Power And The Glory. Commencing to vocal harmonies in the form of Gregorian chanting, "Warrior Of Light" launches into a hard hitting riff that immediately takes it to an anthem-like chorus,The song maintains a ton of energetic momentum as it slows as pounding drums carry its verse. Wilson ends the song to two minutes of the albums best lead guitar work.Warrior Of Light is an album that, for a lack of better words, is characterized by erratic songwriting, poor production values and inconsistent musicianship. That being said, Force 3 certainly does not lack talent, and any follow up effort recorded by the band certainly would have displayed demonstrated improvement(

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