Friday 30 January 2009


JD Evans – Guitars, Keyboards, Bass & Drums
Steve Young – Lead Vocals
Current line-up
Steve Young - Vocals
JD Evans - Guitar
Dale Burton - Guitar(Tykküs)
Russ Adams - Bass
Tommy Dears - Drums

JD Evans –Lead & Rhythm Guitar,Bass,Drums,Keyboards & Vocals
Tom Collete – Lead Vocals
Guest Musicians:
Daryl Evans – Keyboards
Ken Orth - Bass

Letter 7 is Christian rock music with a hard edge metal guitar sound, old school power metal vocals and hooks, and solid driving drums. Formed by one guy from Arizona with the help of professional vocalist Tom Collete and sound engineer Ken Orth, they put together a great collection of high energy songs with a rockin sound. JD Evans - writer, producer and Christian musician takes a new direction with this album. The powerful feel and creative vocals send the listeners back to the metal days of old like Judas Priest, Rez Band,Whitesnake,Bloodgood,Dio,Stryper,Petra and more. They even threw in a couple of great rock ballads to round out the entire project making this CD into a completely enjoyable experience. I think I got the "message" too. Nice job guys!. excellent lyrics that have a message far beyond the idiocy of bands living for themselves; and the mixture of ballads and heavy songs is pleasing to the ears.It's about time somebody brings back the golden 80's metal! The boys are a force to be heard!!Not enough christian bands that are willing to stand up for who and what they believe in.Nice solid gutar riffs to boot!!!Hard to believe this did not come out in 1988! This is classic Christian metal at it's finest. Soaring leads, pounding drums, and stellar clean vocals. One of this year's best for an old metalhead like me.This is just quality 80s sounding Christian metal with good lyrics and solid hooks throughout.Letter 7 is a new Christian Metal group with hard edge guitars, melodic power vocals and solid driving drums in the vein of Whitecross, Stryper, early Holy Soldier, Scorpions, Whitesnake, and Judas Priest. Their style reflects the old school 80s metal generation but with a newer more modern feel including good hooks and Christian lyrical content. Don't get me wrong when I say newer more modern feel, because these guys just plain rock like it's 1989 but with the available production of 2007. Nothing was spared putting out quality sound on this disc. From song writing, riveting metal guitar work, and David Coverdale like vocals, (man can this guy whale), to the production and mastering, this CD has it all. Nothing is held back. Usually you find a good song or two on a new unheard debut album, but this is much closer to 6 good albums all jammed into one. If these guys are this good with there debut recording, can you imagine what the future holds. We might just have the next big band on our hands.Angelic Warlord gave these guys a 90% which is pretty much a percentage reserved for the elite bands, which is exactly what I'm trying to say. These guys have already made it in my book and everyone else thinks so as well. You'll love the 2nd track which is actually the first full length song. Track 1 is an intro. Onward Christian Soldiers pull no punches when it comes to the purpose of our relationship with Christ. This message is heard throughout the CD. These lyrics cause you to start singing along as you pump you fist to the tune and the message. Wow talk about being encouraged. I haven't heard metal this good in quite some time. Letter 7 is a new Christian Metal group with hard edge guitars, melodic power vocals and solid driving drums in the vein of Whitecross, Stryper, early Holy Soldier, Scorpions, Whitesnake, and Judas Priest. Their style reflects the old school 80s metal generation but with a newer more modern feel including good hooks and Christian lyrical content. Don't get me wrong when I say newer more modern feel, because these guys just plain rock like it's 1989 but with the available production of 2007. Nothing was spared putting out quality sound on this disc. From song writing, riveting metal guitar work, and David Coverdale like vocals, (man can this guy whale), to the production and mastering, this CD has it all. Nothing is held back. Usually you find a good song or two on a new unheard debut album, but this is much closer to 6 good albums all jammed into one. If these guys are this good with there debut recording, can you imagine what the future holds. We might just have the next big band on our hands.Angelic Warlord gave these guys a 90% which is pretty much a percentage reserved for the elite bands, which is exactly what I'm trying to say. These guys have already made it in my book and everyone else thinks so as well. You'll love the 2nd track which is actually the first full length song. Track 1 is an intro. Onward Christian Soldiers pull no punches when it comes to the purpose of our relationship with Christ. This message is heard throughout the CD. These lyrics cause you to start singing along as you pump you fist to the tune and the message. Wow talk about being encouraged. I haven't heard metal this good in quite some time.(

“Salt Of The Earth” maintains the resolute momentum. A thumping bass line gets things going before the rhythm guitar crashes into the mix, impelling the song ahead until it abruptly slows to a quietly played guitar line for its first verse. “Salt Of The Earth” proceeds to gradually build in initiative before the rhythm guitar returns to drive a powerfully delivered chorus backed by a trace of shouted vocal harmonies. The albums title track is aptly named.“Fear No Evil” ranks with the albums better tracks. Opening to several seconds of eerie sounding keyboards, the song slowly churns ahead once the rhythm guitar makes its presence felt only to decelerate upon reaching its first verse. Keyboards smoothly lead the way at a mid-tempo clip, the rhythm guitar not rebounding until the intensity level escalates just prior to an emotionally charged chorus giving rise to an abundance of sublime appeal. I enjoy how the song tapers off for a lengthy run of blues flavored lead guitar work. “Fear No Evil” delivers a faith based message,The power ballad “First Love” commences to a blend of acoustic guitar and quietly played lead guitar, maintaining the laid back tempo for its first verse before attaining an impassioned chorus reinforced by an impermeable wall of rhythm guitar. A gritty guitar solo stands in perfect complement to the songs bluesy and emotional feel. “First Love” talks about exactly that,“Great I Am” is a high-octane metal worship anthem. Introduced to a drum solo, the song kicks into high gear to a rollicking guitar riff that carries it in vibrant fashion to a chorus that comes across worshipful in capacity,“Almost Home” is the first of two very well done blues based hard rockers. Gently compelled through its first verse by an acoustic guitar, the song break out with an abundance of fury as the rhythm guitar takes over and leads the way to a catchy chorus in which a stalwart environment is put into place. JD is all over the place here with his razor sharp and driving riffs. Great, great song with equally profound meaning,

Immediately kicking in at an upbeat tempo, “Judgment Day” sustains the spirited impetus as it navigates its verse portions on the way to a brief but hook filled chorus fortified by heavy duty vocal harmonies. A sweeping instrumental section is carried by a blend of guitar harmony and invigorating lead work. Collete sings his guts out here. “Judgment Day” conveys a no-nonsense message,“Stand On The Rock” slowly fades in to guitar feedback before taking off to a quickly moving guitar riff. Quietly tapering off at the start of its first verse,The song calmly moves ahead as momentum gradually builds for a lively chorus that proves every bit as inspired as it is uplifting,“Reign Comes Down” opens to a drum solo prior to trudging ahead to a chugging guitar riff. Moving through its verse portions with the rhythm guitar hammering in and out of the mix, a touch of vocal harmonies highlights the song previous to a pointed chorus delivered with a profu“Seek First”, a slower paced and acoustic based number, closes the album with a smooth sounding vocal performance from JD and lyrics drawn from Matthew 6:33:sion of hard hitting authority. The lyrics here come across pointed in nature,

“Runnin’” delivers an abundant melody of a near commercial variety. Standing out with its radio friendly sensibilities, the song takes a plethora of upbeat impetus and joins it with one of those infectious chorus hooks guaranteed to pull you in and refuse to let go. I cannot help but think if this was recorded a couple of decades ago it would have “huge hit” written all over it. “Runnin’” is a number about God reaching out to man,The album heads in a slower but heavier direction with “Nail In The Cross”. The song gets underway to several seconds of screaming rhythm guitar only to settle down to a crisp acoustic guitar for its first verse. As initiative builds, the rhythm guitar returns in full force and leads the way to an unwavering chorus shored up by heavy duty backing vocals. A stretch of razor edged lead guitar tops off one of my favorite numbers from the album,“Follow The Light” begins to clashing symbols before rollicking ahead to an upbeat guitar riff. Sustaining the energetic heading during its verse portions, the song evens out upon obtaining a brief but smooth sounding chorus that finds Young displaying the full range to his voice. The albums title track is aptly named,“Send Me An Angel” is a plodding – almost swarthy – piece that draws upon the faintest touch of a commercial sensibility. Heavy and driving during its verse portions, the song reflects the commercial elements in question for a melodically tinged chorus in which keyboards play a distant but highlighting role. An emotionally played guitar solo aligns itself with the songs moving feel, both musically and lyrically,Things return to an up-tempo direction with “Mystery”. Energetically driven from start to finish, the song tirelessly romps through its spirited first verse before reaching the succinctly delivered – but vigorous – chorus that follows. The unrelenting impetus here will keep you coming back time and again. “Mystery” deals with the trinity,“Lifeline” represents the albums lone ballad. Introduced to a pronounced bass line backed by a quietly played guitar, the song gracefully flows ahead until the rhythm guitar moves to the front of the mix prior to a majestically flowing chorus allowing the band to make a statement of faith,“Laodicea” can best be described as a three minute explosion of non-stop energy. By far the albums fastest piece, the song rollicks ahead from the get go, not letting up in tempo as it races towards a breakneck chorus in which a near speed metal environs prevails. The Laodicean Church from Revelation 3:14-22 is the subject matter here,Commencing to a brief drum solo, “My Destiny” takes off to a forward bass line and several seconds of fiery lead work. The song proceeds to maneuver through its first verse with the rhythm guitar pulsating in and out of the mix, gaining further initiative as it obtains an uplifting chorus on the unyielding side of things. “My Destiny” was written from the standpoint of Christ at the time of the crucifixion,“Liar” moves in a melodic based hard rock direction. Musically, this one brings to mind other commercial metal bands such as Stryper, Soldier and Angelica with its “big hook” chorus and equally abundant backing vocals. Despite coming in at just three minutes, “Liar” will pull you in with its gripping energy and unwavering, up-tempo initiative. Terrific guitar solo as well. I do not need to let you know what this one is about,Album closer “Love Covers It All” maintains the melodic based heading. The song flows through its verse portions with a hint of keyboards highlighting the backdrop, not evening out until making a smooth transition to an emotionally charged chorus expounding upon the true source of salvation(

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